Digital Waste Tracking Platform
In the UK’s healthcare sector, Cliniwaste is one of the UK’s leading medical waste treatment companies. Operating for more than 20 years, the company processes over 130 tonnes of clinical waste per day for clients in the public and private sector including; NHS Trusts, laboratories, ambulance stations and private clinics.
The Requirement: Digital Waste Tracking
While digital waste tracking is an established regulatory requirement in the UK, Cliniwaste wanted to operate its own digital process that streamlined systems as well as providing added value for clients with unrivalled data transparency for the entire waste journey.
Digitisation that Adds Value by Tracking, Tracing & Reporting
Key to the requirement was to have faster, more accurate data access and interrogation. The goal was to enable the business to save time and money by simplifying operations, regulatory compliance, admin and reporting.
Project Objectives
- Improve tracking accuracy and speed of waste collection.
- Provide a cradle-to-grave audit trail for all waste.
- Reporting and dashboards to be easily segmented by location and waste streams.
- Personalised dashboards for clients with up-to-the minute data on the status of all waste.
- C02 dashboard – to help clients track and report on the environmental impact of their waste.
- Flexibility – a system which easily absorbs demand for increased client capacity.
- To simplify the reporting process for both estate returns and environmental reports.
The Assettrac Asset Tracking Solution
The process of implementation was surprisingly fast”, comments Craig Johnston, General Manager. “From the first meeting to launch, it was just a few months. Since then, Assettrac has helped us to continue to develop the system to bring in new datasets and other parts of the waste-handling process and reporting.”
Assettrac’s client services team collected a full picture of the company’s data requirements and business processes which were developed into a customised cloud portal. A custom mobile application was then configured to enable team members in the field to quickly and accurately log the key data on collection, such as type of waste, bin ID, weight and time.
To improve accuracy and speed, the system was designed to eliminate the need for laborious manual processes and spreadsheets. Admin processes were digitised, enabling the office team to digitally scan paperwork and quickly identify anything missing.
Before launch, Assettrac provided training for Cliniwaste’s teams both in the office and in the field. The system was launched in stages, starting with waste-receiving and booking-in and then expanded across all areas to be tracked. Once data was populating the system, personalised dashboards were rolled out to clients.
Client Outcomes
- Improved Processes
The mobile app improved the speed of collection at client sites and the accuracy of data recorded by Cliniwaste.
- Audit Trails & Data Visualisation
Real-time dashboards show charts with live data, making it easy to identify trends and anomalies and to help business planning.
- Sustainability Standards
Clients can track and report on the carbon footprint of all waste via a C02 dashboard as well as the final destination of all waste.
- Faster Reporting
Compilation of data for annual estate returns and compliance reports is completed in minutes rather than days.
- Targeted Training to Meet Compliance
The ability to trace the journey of any bin helps identify waste-handling problems & deliver targeted employee training to remediate.