Asset management, inspections & maintenance

Facility Asset Management

Discover an all-in-one facility asset management solution customised to your unique operation.

Tag, track, schedule and maintain all facility assets across multiple locations while confidently managing health & safety, environmental and fire compliance requirements.

three different views of the Assettrac asset management app which can be tailored to every client or any workflow.

Facilities Management Made Simple


Track furniture and office assets easily with Assettrac asset management software for facilities management

Gain full oversight of facility assets & workflows

One Central Facility Management System

Everything you need to manage physical assets and tools, inspections and maintenance across multiple sites.

Accurate budgets and operations, financial and compliance reports are produced faster with real-time data in one central portal.

Unlimited Assets & Processes

Customised Cloud Asset Management Portal

App Tailored to Your Workflows


Custom Reporting

Customer Support You Can Rely On

asset tracking solutions should be tailored for your business. Assettrac's asset management software is up and running in 30 days

Save Time & Reduce Costs

Track, Inspect, Maintain, Report

Conduct inspections, maintenance and compliance tasks on-site using a scanner or mobile.  Log updates to assets in real-time including:

Item Status | Photos | Location | Documentation | Certificates | Follow-up Actions & Alerts | Important Dates | Custom Fields

Updates are instantly updated on your asset management portal, giving real-time data for all your sites and assets via custom dashboards & reports.

Trusted for Efficient Facilities Management by

In Health : Brand Short Description Type Here.
NHS West London : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Richmond : Brand Short Description Type Here.
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Facilities Management FAQs

Can I manage my maintenance schedule using Assettrac?

Assettrac’s asset management system for facilities enables you to record maintenance, flag issues, notes and actions, you can save key documentation such as warranties and insurance.  Plus, set reminder alerts for next actions including your next inspection date.

What is the difference between CAFM and a customised asset management system?

Yes, Assettrac’s asset management system provides a customised app that can be used on any handheld device (e.g. mobile phone) or scanner. Once you’ve tagged your item, you can enter all the data you need to track including photos. This information is used for future asset audits and asset register updates.

Learn more here.

Can I track tools and equipment using Assettrac?

Yes, Assettrac helps with tool tracking.  With every tool and piece of equipment tagged, you can then use a digital check-in/check-out system for every item when it’s taken out by a member of the team.